Source: tables/TableRequestUtil.js

 * License information at

import {get, set, unset, cloneDeep, omit, omitBy, isNil} from 'lodash';

import {uniqueTblId} from './TableUtil.js';
import {Keys} from '../core/background/BackgroundStatus.js';
import {SelectInfo} from './SelectInfo.js';
import {ServerParams} from '../data/ServerParams.js';
import {WS_HOME} from '../visualize/WorkspaceCntlr.js';

export const MAX_ROW = Math.pow(2,31) - 1;
export const DataTagMeta = ['META_INFO', Keys.DATA_TAG]; // a tag describing the content of this table.  ie. 'catalog', 'imagemeta'
/* TABLE_REQUEST should match QueryUtil on the server-side */

 * Creates a table request object for the given id.
 * @param {string} id       required.  SearchProcessor ID.
 * @param {string} [title]  title to display with this table.
 * @param {object} [params] the parameters to include with this request.
 * @param {TableRequest} [options] more options.  see TableRequest for details.
 * @returns {TableRequest}
 * @public
 * @func  makeTblRequest
 * @memberof firefly.util.table
export function makeTblRequest(id, title, params={}, options={}) {
    var req = {startIdx: 0, pageSize: 100};
    title = title || id;
    const tbl_id = options.tbl_id || uniqueTblId();
    var META_INFO = Object.assign(options.META_INFO || {}, {title, tbl_id});
    options = omit(options, 'tbl_id');
    return omitBy(Object.assign(req, options, params, {META_INFO, tbl_id, id}), isNil);

 * Creates a table request for tabular data from a file or url.  Source of file may be
 * from a url or an absolute path on the server.
 * @param {string} [title]      title to display with this table.
 * @param {string} source       required; location of the ipac table. url or file path.
 * @param {string} [alt_source] use this if source does not exists.
 * @param {TableRequest} [options]  more options.  see TableRequest for details.
 * @returns {TableRequest}
 * @public
 * @func makeFileRequest
 * @memberof firefly.util.table
export function makeFileRequest(title, source, alt_source, options={}) {
    const id = 'IpacTableFromSource';
    var req = {startIdx: 0, pageSize: 100};
    title = title || source;
    const tbl_id = options.tbl_id || uniqueTblId();
    options = omit(options, 'tbl_id');
    var META_INFO = Object.assign(options.META_INFO || {}, {title, tbl_id});
    return omitBy(Object.assign(req, options, {source, alt_source, META_INFO, tbl_id, id}), isNil);

 * Creates a table request for tabular data from IRSA workspace.
 * Source should be an IRSA workspace path.  i.e value returned from WorkspaceViewer
 * @param {string} source       required; IRSA workspace path.
 * @param {string} [title]      title to display with this table.
 * @param {TableRequest} [options]  more options.  see TableRequest for details.
 * @returns {TableRequest}
 * @public
 * @func makeIrsaWorkspaceRequest
 * @memberof firefly.util.table
export function makeIrsaWorkspaceRequest(source, title, options={}) {
    source = source.replace(WS_HOME, '');
    const request = makeFileRequest(title, source, undefined, options);
    request[ServerParams.SOURCE_FROM] = ServerParams.IS_WS;
    return request;

 * Parameters for cone search
 * @typedef {object} ConeParams
 * @global
 * @prop {string} SearchMethod  'Cone'.
 * @prop {string} position  name or coordinates of the search
 * @prop {string} radius    radius of the search in arcsec

 * Parameters for eliptical search
 * @typedef {object} ElipParams
 * @global
 * @prop {string} SearchMethod  'Eliptical'.
 * @prop {string} position  name or coordinates of the search
 * @prop {string} radius    radius of the search in arcsec
 * @prop {string} radunits  the units for the radius or side, must be arcsec,arcmin,degree, default arcsec
 * @prop {string} ratio     ratio for elliptical request
 * @prop {string} posang    pa for elliptical request

 * Parameters for box search
 * @typedef {object} BoxParams
 * @global
 * @prop {string} SearchMethod 'Eliptical'.
 * @prop {string} position  name or coordinates of the search
 * @prop {string} size      the length of a side for a box search

 * creates the request to query IRSA catalogs.
 * @param {string} title    title to be displayed with this table result
 * @param {string} project
 * @param {string} catalog  the catalog name to search
 * @param {ConeParams|BoxParams|ElipParams} params   one of 'Cone','Eliptical','Box','Polygon','Table','AllSky'.
 * @param {TableRequest} [options]
 * @returns {TableRequest}
 * @public
 * @func makeIrsaCatalogRequest
 * @memberof firefly.util.table
export function makeIrsaCatalogRequest(title, project, catalog, params={}, options={}) {
    var req = {startIdx: 0, pageSize: 100};
    title = title || catalog;
    const tbl_id = options.tbl_id || uniqueTblId();
    const id = 'GatorQuery';
    const UserTargetWorldPt = params.UserTargetWorldPt || params.position;  // may need to convert to worldpt.
    const catalogProject = project;
    var META_INFO = Object.assign(options.META_INFO || {}, {title, tbl_id});

    options = omit(options, 'tbl_id');
    params = omit(params, 'position');

    return omitBy(Object.assign(req, options, params, {id, tbl_id, META_INFO, UserTargetWorldPt, catalogProject, catalog}), isNil);

 * creates the request to query LSST catalogs.  // TODO: more detail to be updated based on the LSST catalog DD content
 * @param {string} title    title to be displayed with this table result
 * @param {string} project
 * @param {string} catalog  the catalog name to search
 * @param {ConeParams|BoxParams|ElipParams} params   one of 'Cone','Eliptical','Box','Polygon','Table','AllSky'.
 * @param {TableRequest} [options]
 * @returns {TableRequest}
 * @func makeLsstCatalogRequest
 * @memberof firefly.util.table
export function makeLsstCatalogRequest(title, project, catalog, params={}, options={}) {
    const req = {startIdx: 0, pageSize: 100};

    title = title || catalog;
    const tbl_id = options.tbl_id || uniqueTblId();
    const id = get(params, 'SearchMethod')==='Table'?'LSSTMultiObjectSearch':'LSSTCatalogSearch';
    const UserTargetWorldPt = params.UserTargetWorldPt || params.position;  // may need to convert to worldpt.
    const table_name = catalog;
    const meta_table = catalog;
    const META_INFO = Object.assign(options.META_INFO || {}, {title, tbl_id});

    options = omit(options, 'tbl_id');
    params = omit(params, 'position');

    return omitBy(Object.assign(req, options, params,
                                {id, tbl_id, META_INFO, UserTargetWorldPt, table_name, meta_table, project}), isNil);

 * creates the request to query VO catalogmakeLsstCatalogRequest
 * @param {string} title    title to be displayed with this table result
 * @param {ConeParams|BoxParams|ElipParams} params   one of 'Cone','Eliptical','Box','Polygon','Table','AllSky'.
 * @param {TableRequest} [options]
 * @returns {TableRequest}
 * @func makeVOCatalogRequest
 * @memberof firefly.util.table
export function makeVOCatalogRequest(title, params={}, options={}) {
    var req = {startIdx: 0, pageSize: 100};
    const tbl_id = options.tbl_id || uniqueTblId();
    const providerid = voProviders[params.providerName];

    const id = providerid || 'ConeSearchByURL';
    const UserTargetWorldPt = params.UserTargetWorldPt || params.position;  // may need to convert to worldpt.
    var META_INFO = Object.assign(options.META_INFO || {}, {title, tbl_id});

    options = omit(options, 'tbl_id');
    params = omit(params, 'position');

    return omitBy(Object.assign(req, options, params, {id, tbl_id, META_INFO, UserTargetWorldPt}), isNil);

const voProviders = {'NED':'NedSearch'};

 * create a deep clone of the given request.  tbl_id is removed from the cloned request.
 * @param {TableRequest} request  the original request to clone
 * @param {Object} params   additional parameters to add to the cloned request
 * @returns {TableRequest}
 * @public
 * @func cloneRequest
 * @memberof firefly.util.table
export function cloneRequest(request, params = {}) {
    const req = cloneDeep(omit(request, 'tbl_id'));
    unset(req, 'META_INFO.tbl_id');
    return Object.assign(req, params);

 * create a request which will perform a function on the given searchRequest
 * @param {TableRequest} searchRequest  required. the table's request this function should operate on
 * @param {string} id                   required.  SearchProcessor ID.
 * @param {string} [title]              title to display with this table.
 * @param {object} [params]             the parameters to include with this request.
 * @param {TableRequest} [options]      more options.  see TableRequest for details.
 * @returns {TableRequest}
 * @public
 * @func makeTableFunctionRequest
 * @memberof firefly.util.table
export function makeTableFunctionRequest(searchRequest, id, title, params={}, options={}) {
    const req = makeTblRequest(id, title, params, options);
    req.searchRequest = JSON.stringify(searchRequest);
    return req;

 * return the tbl_id from the request object
 * @param {TableRequest} request
 * @returns {string}
export function getTblId(request) {
    return get(request, 'META_INFO.tbl_id') || get(request, 'tbl_id'); 

 * set the resultSetID into the request object
 * @param {TableRequest} request
 * @param {string} resultSetID
export function setResultSetID(request, resultSetID) {
    set(request, 'META_INFO.resultSetID', resultSetID);

 * set the resultSetRequest into the request object
 * @param {TableRequest} request
 * @param {string} resultSetRequest
export function setResultSetRequest(request, resultSetRequest) {
    set(request, 'META_INFO.resultSetRequest', resultSetRequest);

 * set selectInfo
 * @param {TableRequest} request
 * @param {object} selectInfo
export function setSelectInfo(request, selectInfo) {
    if (selectInfo) {
        set(request, 'META_INFO.selectInfo', SelectInfo.newInstance(selectInfo).toString());

 * set timestamp parameter to prevent search results from caching
 * @param {TableRequest} request
export function setNoCache(request) {
    set(request, '__searchID',;