Namespace: action

firefly. action

Actions and action dispatchers.



<static> dispatchAddRegionEntry(drawLayerId, regionChanges, plotId, layerTitle, selectMode, dispatcher)

Add regions to drawing layer

Name Type Description
drawLayerId string

id of the drawing layer where the region(s) are added to if the layer doesn't exist, a new drawing layer is created by either using the specified drawLayerId or creating a new id based on the setting of 'layerTitle' in case drawLayerId is undefined

regionChanges Array.<string> | string

array or string of region description

plotId Array.<string> | string

array or string of plot id. If plotId is empty, all plots of the active group are applied

layerTitle string

will replace the original title if the drawing layer exists and layerTitle is non-empty

selectMode RegionSelectMode

rendering features for the selected region

dispatcher function

<static> dispatchAddTableTypeWatcherDef(p)

Add a table type watcher definition. Test every table (existing or new) and if the test is passed then create a table type watcher for that table.

A table type watcher, by using the payload definition will start a single watch for ever table that is newly loaded or previously loaded that passes the 'testTable' function test. These watchers will have the same life time of the table they are watching. A TableType watcher is like a normal watcher with following exceptions:

  • tbl_id is first parameter.
  • The params object with always include a options and a sharedData property. They may be undefined.
  • The options object should be thought of as read only. It should not be modified.
  • It is call the first time with the action undefined. This can be for initialization. The table will beloaded
Name Type Description
p object
Name Type Argument Description
id String

a unique identifier for this watcher

testTable TestWatchFunc

function: testTable(table,action,options), return true, if we should watch this table type

watcher TableWatchFunc

function watcher(tbl_id,action,cancelSelf,params), note- TableWatchFunc is called when the first time for initialization for the first call action is null

sharedData Object <optional>
options Object <optional>
actions Array.<String>

array of string action id's

excludes- Array.<String>

excluded id list. if testTable return true then this list will force any watcher def with an id in the list to not watch

stopPropagation boolean

like excludes but if true not only watcher will be added

enabled boolean

if true this TableTypeWatcher will test and add, if false it will be skipped

allowMultiples boolean

multiple defs of this type are allowed.


<static> dispatchApiToolsView(apiToolsView, useFloatToolbar)

Tweek how the API image view works


Tweek how the API image view works

Name Type Description
apiToolsView boolean
useFloatToolbar boolean

<static> dispatchAttachLayerToPlot(id, plotId, attachAllPlot, visible, plotTypeMustMatch)

attach drawing layer to plot

Name Type Description
id string | Array.<string>

make the drawLayerId or drawLayerTypeId, this may be an array

plotId string | Array.<string>

to attach this may by a string or an array of strings

attachAllPlot boolean
visible boolean | string

Can have three values: true: layer is attach visible, false: attach not-visible, value (string) 'inherit' layer is visible

plotTypeMustMatch boolean

<static> dispatchChangeDrawingDef(id, drawingDef, plotId [, matchTitle])

change the drawing definition of the drawing layer

Name Type Argument Description
id string | Array.<string>

make the drawLayerId or drawLayerTypeId, this may be an array

matchTitle boolean <optional>

matches any draw layers that have the same title as the one specified by the id


<static> dispatchChangeVisibility(p)

change the visibility of one more drawing layers on a set of WebPlots. This function can match the drawing layers using drawLayerId, drawLayerTypeId and further match using the title of the draw layer. it can match hhe plots by plotId, then all the plots in the group, and then can limit the plots in the group using subgroupId

Name Type Description
p Object
Name Type Argument Description
id string | Array.<string>

make the drawLayerId or drawLayerTypeId, this may be an array

visible boolean
plotId string

the plotId to change the visibility on, if used group is defined then visibility will be change for all the plotIds in the PlotGroup

useGroup boolean <optional>

If true, get all the plotViews in the group of the plotId, if false use only the one

subGroupId string <optional>

if defined the list of PlotViews affected will be filtered by the subGroupId. In other words it will only change the visibility on PlotView that have a matching subGroupId.

matchTitle boolean <optional>

matches any draw layers that have the same title as the one specified by the id


<static> dispatchChartUpdate(p)

Update chart data.

Update chart data. The parameter should have a partial object it wants to update. The keys of the partial object should be in path-string format, ie. 'a.b.c'.

Name Type Description
p Object

dispatch parameetrs

Name Type Argument Default Description
chartId string

chart id

changes Object

object with the path-string keys and values of the changed props

dispatcher function <optional>

only for special dispatching uses such as remote


<static> dispatchColorChange(obj)

Show image with new color table loaded Note - function parameter is a single object


Show image with new color table loaded Note - function parameter is a single object

Name Type Description
obj Object
Name Type Argument Description
plotId string
cbarId number

must be in the range, 0 - 21, each number represents different colorbar

actionScope string | ActionScope <optional>

default to group

dispatcher function <optional>

only for special dispatching uses such as remote


<static> dispatchCreateDrawLayer(drawLayerTypeId, params)

create drawing layer

Name Type Description
drawLayerTypeId string

id of drawing layer

params Object

<static> dispatchCreateFootprintLayer(footprintId, layerTitle, footprintData, plotId, attachPlotGroup, dispatcher)

create drawing layer with footprint

Name Type Description
footprintId string

id of the drawing layer

layerTitle string

title of the drawing layer

footprintData footprintInfo

footprint information for footprint layer, relocateBy: 'origin' means relocating footprint origin to the target location 'center' means relocating footprint center to the target location

plotId Array.<string> | string

array or string of plot id. If plotId is empty, all plots of the active group are applied

attachPlotGroup bool

attach all plots of the same plot group


<static> dispatchCreateMarkerLayer(markerId, layerTitle, plotId, attachPlotGroup, dispatcher)

create drawing layer with marker

Name Type Description
markerId string

id of the drawing layer

layerTitle string

title of the drawing layer

plotId Array.<string> | string

array or string of plot id. If plotId is empty, all plots of the active group are applied

attachPlotGroup bool

attach all plots of the same plot group


<static> dispatchCreateRegionLayer(drawLayerId, layerTitle, fileOnServer, regionAry, plotId, selectMode, dispatcher)

Create drawing layer based on region file or region description

Name Type Description
drawLayerId string

id of the drawing layer to be created, required

layerTitle string

if it is empty, it will be created internally

fileOnServer string

region file name on server

regionAry Array.<string> | string

array or string of region description

plotId Array.<string> | string

array or string of plot id. If plotId is empty, all plots of the active group are applied

selectMode RegionSelectMode

rendering features for the selected region

dispatcher function

<static> dispatchCrop(p)

Crop Note - function parameter is a single object

Name Type Description
p Object
Name Type Argument Description
plotId string
imagePt1 Object

image point of corner 1

imagePt2 Object

image point of corner 2

cropMultiAll boolean
dispatcher function <optional>

only for special dispatching uses such as remote


<static> dispatchDeletePlotView(p)

Delete a PlotView Note - function parameter is a single object

Name Type Description
p Object

this function takes a single parameter

Name Type Argument Default Description
plotId string
holdWcsMatch boolean <optional>

if wcs match is on, then modify the request to hold the wcs match

dispatcher function <optional>

only for special dispatching uses such as remote


<static> dispatchDeleteRegionLayer(drawLayerId, plotId, dispatcher)

Delete the region drawing layer

Name Type Description
drawLayerId string

id of the drawing layer to be deleted, required

plotId Array.<string> | string

array or string of plot id. If plotId is empty, all plots of the active group are applied

dispatcher function

<static> dispatchDestroyDrawLayer(id)

destroy the drawing layer

Name Type Description
id string

make the drawLayerId or drawLayerTypeId


<static> dispatchDetachLayerFromPlot(id, plotId, detachAllPlot, destroyWhenAllDetached)

Detach drawing layer from the plot

Name Type Description
id string | Array.<string>

make the drawLayerId or drawLayerTypeId, this may be an array

plotId string | Array.<string>

to attach this may by a string or an array of string


if all plots are detached then destroy this plot


<static> dispatchFlip(p)

Flip Note - function parameter is a single object

Name Type Description
p Object
Name Type Argument Description
plotId string
isY boolean
actionScope string | ActionScope

enum ActionScope

dispatcher function <optional>

only for special dispatching uses such as remote


<static> dispatchForceDrawLayerUpdate(id, plotId)

force to update the drawing layer

Name Type Description

<static> dispatchModifyCustomField(id, changes [, plotId])

create custom changes to the drawing layer

Name Type Argument Description
id string | Array.<string>

make the drawLayerId or drawLayerTypeId, this may be an array

changes Object

any object of changes

plotId string <optional>

a plotId


<static> dispatchPlotHiPS(p)

Plot a HiPS display

Note - function parameter is a single object

Name Type Description
p Object

this function takes a single parameter

Name Type Argument Default Description
plotId string
wpRequest WebPlotParams | WebPlotRequest
hipsImageConversion HipsImageConversionSettings <optional>

if defined, use these parameter to

viewerId string
pvOptions PVCreateOptions

PlotView init Options

attributes Object <optional>

meta data that is added the plot

setNewPlotAsActive boolean <optional>

the last completed plot will be active

enableRestore boolean <optional>

if true the original request is saved for restore

renderTreeId string <optional>

used only with multiple rendered tree, like slate in jupyter lab

dispatcher function <optional>

only for special dispatching uses such as remote


<static> dispatchPlotImage(p)

Plot an image.

Note - function parameter is a single object

Name Type Description
p Object
Name Type Argument Default Description
plotId string <optional>

is required unless defined in the WebPlotRequest

wpRequest WebPlotParams | WebPlotRequest | Array

plotting parameters, required or for 3 color pass an array of WebPlotParams or WebPlotRequest

threeColor boolean <optional>

is a three color request, if true the wpRequest should be an array

useContextModifications boolean <optional>

it true the request will be modified to use preferences, rotation, etc should only be false when it is doing a 'restore to defaults' type plot

attributes Object <optional>

meta data that is added the plot

hipsImageConversion HipsImageConversionSettings <optional>

if defined, use these parameter to convert between image and HiPS

pvOptions Object <optional>

parameter specific to the plotView, only read the first time per plot id

setNewPlotAsActive boolean <optional>

the new plot will be active

holdWcsMatch boolean <optional>

if wcs match is on, then modify the request to hold the wcs match

enableRestore boolean <optional>

if true the original request is saved for restore

viewerId string <optional>

viewer that this plot should be put into, only optional if you have added the plot id manually to a viewer. otherwise, you need to specify the viewer.

renderTreeId string <optional>

used only with multiple rendered tree, like slate in jupyter lab

dispatcher function <optional>

only for special dispatching uses such as remote


<static> dispatchPlotImageOrHiPS(p)

Plot a HiPS or a image depending on the FOV size

Note - function parameter is a single object

Name Type Description
p Object

this function takes a single parameter

Name Type Argument Default Description
plotId string
hipsRequest WebPlotParams | WebPlotRequest
imageRequest WebPlotParams | WebPlotRequest

must be a ServiceType request.

allSkyRequest WebPlotParams | WebPlotRequest

must be a allsky type request

plotAllSkyFirst boolean <optional>

if there is an all sky set up then plot that first

fovDegFallOver number <optional>

the size in degrees that the image will switch between hips and a image cutout

fovMaxFitsSize number <optional>

the max size the fits image service can support

autoConvertOnZoom boolean <optional>

convert between images and FITS on zoom

viewerId string <optional>
renderTreeId string <optional>

used only with multiple rendered tree, like slate in jupyter lab

pvOptions PVCreateOptions <optional>

PlotView init Options

attributes Object <optional>

meta data that is added the plot

setNewPlotAsActive boolean <optional>

the last completed plot will be active

dispatcher function <optional>

only for special dispatching uses such as remote


<static> dispatchPlotMask(p)

Add a mask

Name Type Description
p Object

this function takes a single parameter

Name Type Argument Description
plotId string
maskValue number

power of 2, e.g 4, 8, 32, 128, etc

maskNumber number

2, e.g 4, 8, 32, 128, etc

imageOverlayId string
imageNumber number

hdu number of fits

fileKey string

file on the server

color string

color is optional, if not specified, one is chosen

title string
relatedDataId string <optional>

pass a related data id if one exist

dispatcher function <optional>

only for special dispatching uses such as remote


<static> dispatchRecenter(p)

recenter the images on the plot center or the ACTIVE_TARGET

Note - function parameter is a single object

Name Type Description
p Object
Name Type Argument Description
plotId string
centerPt Point <optional>

Point to center on

centerOnImage boolean

only used if centerPt is not defined. If true then the centering will be the center of the image. If false, then the center point will be the FIXED_TARGET attribute, if defined. Otherwise it will be the center of the image.

dispatcher function <optional>

only for special dispatching uses such as remote


<static> dispatchRemoveRegionEntry(drawLayerId, regionChanges, dispatcher)

remove region(s) from the drawing layer

Name Type Description
drawLayerId string

id of the drawing layer where the region(s) are removed from, required

regionChanges Array.<string> | string

array or string of region description

dispatcher function

<static> dispatchRotate(p)

Rotate image, do it client side

Note - function parameter is a single object


Rotate image, do it client side

Note - function parameter is a single object

Name Type Description
p Object
Name Type Description
plotId string
rotateType Enum

enum RotateType

angle number
actionScope string | ActionScope

enum ActionScope

dispatcher function

only for special dispatching uses such as remote


<static> dispatchSelectRegion(drawLayerId, selectedRegion, dispatcher)

select region from a drawing layer containing regions

Name Type Description
drawLayerId string

id of drawing layer where the region is selected from, required

selectedRegion Array.<string> | string | Object

array or string of region description or region object (drawObj) currently only single region is allowed to be selected if the array contains the description of multiple regions. If 'null' or empty array is passed, the function works as de-select the region.

dispatcher function

<static> dispatchStretchChange(obj)

Change the image stretch Note - function parameter is a single object


Change the image stretch Note - function parameter is a single object

Name Type Description
obj Object

object literal with dispatcher parameters

Name Type Argument Description
plotId string
stretchData Array.<Object.<band:Band, rv:RangeValues, bandVisible:boolean>>
actionScope ActionScope <optional>

default to group

dispatcher function <optional>

only for special dispatching uses such as remote

// Example of stretch 2 - 98 percent, log stretch
var rv= RangeValues.makeSimple(‘percent’, 2, 98, ‘log’);
const stretchData= [{ band : 'NO_BAND', rv :  rv, bandVisible: true }];
action.dispatchStretchChange({plotId:’myplot’, strechData:stretchData });
// Example of stretch -2 - 5 sigma, linear stretch
var rv= RangeValues.makeSimple(’sigma’, -2, 5, 'linear’);
const stretchData= [{ band : 'NO_BAND', rv :  rv, bandVisible: true }];
action.dispatchStretchChange({plotId:’myplot’, strechData:stretchData });

<static> dispatchZoom(p)

Zoom a image Note - function parameter is a single object

Name Type Description
p Object

this function takes a single parameter

Name Type Argument Description
plotId string
userZoomType string | UserZoomTypes

(one of ['UP','DOWN', 'FIT', 'FILL', 'ONE', 'LEVEL', 'WCS_MATCH_PREV')

maxCheck boolean <optional>
zoomLockingEnabled boolean <optional>
forceDelay boolean <optional>
level number <optional>

the level to zoom to, used only userZoomType 'LEVEL'

actionScope string | ActionScope <optional>

default to group

dispatcher function <optional>

only for special dispatching uses such as remote

// Example of zoom to level
 action.dispatchZoom({plotId:’myplot’, userZoomType:’LEVEL’, level: .75 });
// Example of zoom up
action.dispatchZoom({plotId:’myplot’, userZoomType:’UP’ }};
// Example of zoom to fit
action.dispatchZoom({plotId:’myplot’, userZoomType:’FIT’ }};
// Example of zoom to level, if you are connected to a widget that is changing  the level fast, zlevel is the varible with the zoom level
action.dispatchZoom({plotId:’myplot’, userZoomType:’LEVEL’, level: zlevel, forceDelay: true }};

<static> visRoot()
